100th chapter
Monday, July 6, 2009 @ 9:26 PM
Yay! This is the 100th chapter of my blog! (: HEHE.
Been sick lately. *coughs* HEHE. School was okay. Home Econs. was super duper boring. Tomorrow maybe start cooking. Damn, I hate cooking but I love baking. HEHE. The teacher that taught my class was super duper boring. She was a subtitute teacher. Actually Ms. Haryani(is it?) was supposed to teach but she didnt come on that day. Damn larh the sub. teacher. She is freaking slow in writing on the whiteboard. I seriously can daydream during the class. HEHE.
My music teacher told us to find a song from any musical for each group. So I was the one that find it and I choose a song from the musical,"Little shop of horrors" ! Its a really